Ideas to Entertain Kids at Adelaide Weddings

I've seen many posts recently in forums on whether to invite or not to invite children to your reception.
If you have decided on inviting kids to your reception here are a few things you either organise yourself or get your entertainment to do for you in the early part of your night.
As there is nothing greater then seeing kids laughing and having fun. You might even find the big kid come out of your guests creating priceless entertainment and memories.
1. Glow sticks will be a fun for kids to run around with at night and at least you will know where they are.
2. Kids activity packs - crayons, paper, bubbles, a few lollies, colouring in sheet or a small puzzle all wrapped up in a pretty package will entertain for a few moments (maybe enough time for you to eat your own food).
3. Games, there are so many out there to play. Game like MUSICAL STATUES, LIMBO, BEAN BAG THROW, PIN THE TAIL ON THE DONKY, TREASUE HUNT, EGG and SPOON RACE and my favourite DUCK, DUCK GOOSE. You will be surprised at how many “kids” you have invited to your reception. Not to mention all the fun and laughter that goes along with it.
4. PINATA – kids always love trying to hit the piñata to release the lollies
5. Hire – facepainters, clown or sitters to entertain the kids for a few hours at the venue, so your guests can enjoy the event as well.
6. Lollie or Teddy toss. Its like the bouquet toss. Bride & Groom will have kids around them and they will throw the items towards the kids. (ensure you have extras to hand out to the kids)
It may feel like adding some of these ideas to your reception is hijacking it, but from experience you will find your guest more relaxed and enjoying themselves. And at the end of the day it’s a BIG celebration of two people joining together to becoming one. You want your family and friends to have a good time too.